Dermatology: FAQs

From acne to skin cancer, Dr. Jason Applebaum at Shade Dermatology in Jericho NY has the passion and dermatology technology to help.

Dermatology FAQs 

Why should you visit a dermatologist and how can they help? Dr. Applebaum and the team at Shade Dermatology in Jericho NY answer these questions and more below.

Is skin cancer the only thing dermatologists treat? 

Not at all. While diagnosing and treating skin cancer is one very important part of the equation, dermatologists help with all sorts of skin conditions. This includes everything from acne and rashes to fighting signs of aging and hair loss. If you’re concerned with or unhappy about anything involving your skin, a dermatologist can help.

When should I visit a dermatologist? 

Most people only need a dermatology visit once per year. However, if you suffer from a chronic skin condition, that number will increase. Additionally, if you notice any new growths on your skin, can’t seem to get rid of acne or a rash or have any other issues, you’ll need to schedule an appointment between regular visits.

Why do I need to see a dermatologist if nothing is wrong or different with my skin? 

If you plant a tree and look at it each day, you’re not likely to notice the subtle changes as it grows. In fact, you might not notice it at all until it has grown several inches or feet. This is normal, as small changes don’t amount to much when you’re looking for them.

The same can be true with your skin. When you look at it every day, you might not notice a mole growing larger, your skin becoming more scaly, or other small changes.

Visiting a dermatologist each year is important because they can see a difference in your skin from the last visit. Typically, dermatologists take images of moles or any areas of concern so that changes can be more easily tracked. If there is an issue, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

How do I know if a mole or growth is something to worry about? 

Only a dermatologist can determine for certain if a growth is dangerous. If you notice that you have a new growth, current ones have changed in size, color, or shape, they are oozing or bleeding, or there are any other new symptoms, visit your dermatologist immediately to ensure everything is fine.

Keep your skin in its best shape by visiting your dermatology specialist Dr. Applebaum at Shade Dermatology in Jericho NY. Call (516) 962-9602 to schedule your appointment today.

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